It’s almost like being in the studio!
Step One: Make an appointment. Provide your Wedding date, Reception Venue, Ceremony date & email address.
Step Two: A few hours before your appointment Jean will send you an email with a link that will prompt you to download and join your meeting with Jean.
Zoom Meeting login info
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 567 238 9239
Passcode: 041387
Zoom appointment tips!!!
Laptop/Computer with facing camera is better than a phone - easier for you to see detail
Plug your laptop or phone in BEFORE the appt to save you from stressing
Get a holder. Even a couple of books to prop up your device. You don’t want to hold the phone for an hour & a half.
Choose a place to sit that DOES NOT face a huge window
Relax and enjoy!
Schedule a Zoom or In-person appointment
Custom Engagement Photography